What is esoteric or vibrational emotional therapy?
It is the connection between the chemistry, plant parts and the energy. It is a powerful and meaningful way to apply essential oils and extracts to address energetic and vibrational healing and physical wellness.
Each of the collections on this website are especially focused on addressing a certain emotion, however essential oils have the amazing ability to realign, balance, and uplift regardless. In the study of vibrational aromatherapy, it is understood that essential oils work as a whole person therapy, mind, body, and spirit. In her book Aromatherapy for the Soul, Valerie Ann Worwood says,' all illness starts in the etheric, manifests in the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, or all four.' The same wisdom applies in Chinese Medicine, all illness begins in the subtle, energy body, and addressed through acupuncture and other forms of therapy.
Before you began to apply and use your essential oils it is very important to also have a very clear understanding of the process. This will ensure the release of the emotion or emotions, you are ready to liberate from your mind, body and soul.
These steps were given by my spiritual teacher over thirty years ago and although simple they in essence are a powerful technique to ensure you shift and release what no longer serves you on your journey to elevate your personal signature frequency.
Some common examples of the emotions that many hold are:
Below is the Map of Consciousness, which gives you a view as to the frequency level of emotion or emotions. As you recalibrate your personal frequency with releasing the unwanted emotion of a denser nature you will in turn uplift your mind body and soul.
Wayne Dyer talks about the map of human consciousness discussed by Dr. David Hawkins in his book. He shares the spectrum of emotion (energy scale), from the lowest frequency of shame, up to the highest energy of enlightenment.