
This is a step by step process.

Step 1. is Recognition. Saturation level comes when you can fully embrace that you are finally done with it. This is in regards to any emotion you are holding that is keeping you in a denser vibration. Identifying and having  awareness of where you are holding the emotion in your body can be important although sometimes it may feel as though it is not just one area.

 This can be done at any time, find a private space, give yourself a few moments to sit in a relaxed position. Take some deep relaxing breaths.   

Step 2. Releasing. Apply your release oil from whatever collection you have chosen. 

Watch the video below if you need guidance.

After you apply your essential oil, you can declare, 'this is where I am, I feel ....................and it is not enough. I dont want to be identified with it anymore, I want to go beyond it now. I am ready and willing to let this go right here and now!'

Take some nice deep breaths, be gentle with yourself. 

When complete with the releasing oil, follow with the recalibration and support oils as suggested. Use and apply as long as needed.  

Watch the guided meditation video below to ground the releasing process.

If you have been able to feel the emotion in an area of your physical body, feel the emotion moving from you. It may appear like a mist, or color, or you may just feel it releasing. Stay with it as long as needed.

If you don't feel complete, often times it can be wise to do this release for a few days before you go to the calibration and support oils. Remember we all have unique personal signature frequencies.  

Step 3 Recalibrate & Support  After applying your release oil, when you feel complete, begin to utilize the other oils in the collection. These oils will continue to assist in the release, recalibration and support in uplifting your personal signature frequency. Apply to Chakric centres of the physical body as directed for each collection.  Use as long as needed. Normally for several days.

Step 4.  Affirmations. Take some time to sit in silence daily and reflect on the Affirmation given, or you may use your own words. Use your intuition, and what feels comfortable for you.

ABOUT AFFIRMATIONS!  It is always wise to say affirmations directly after meditation, or when you are in a more Alpha state of mind. 

In a Beta state when you are fully awake and alert, where one has thoughts related to worry, stress, fear, anger the denser vibrational emotions. If attempting to repeat affirmations in this state of mind, often the conscious mind will not accept it as a truth. The highest time to repeat affirmations is when you are in a Alpha state. This is where one begins to feel calm relaxed, mind chatter slows down.  

Sitting relaxing In nature or just after meditation, or when you have been very relaxed, and the mind is slow, and quiet, is the perfect time. Or when you first wake in the morning before jumping into the day. The mind is still in Alpha for around 10-20minutes.







Even though we become more aware of a positive mindset around money, we can often feel like nothing is working. A common statement is " I still cant seem to change my ability to create what I want." That feeling of failing creates more experiences of failing. Your personal frequency needs uplifting. Essential oils are a helping hand.

Oils in this collection: Lemongrass/Litsea/Spikenard/Wild orange

Emotions Addressed: Blocked/limited/Limited beliefs,

Failure/Victim Mentality/ Trapped/Scarcity/Doubt/Discouraged/

Oil 1. Releasing oil: Lemongrass is known as the oil of cleansing! 

Use lemongrass in times when the emotions are embedded in misery and unable to escape from it, and are in need of help to overcome it.  Aromatherapy For The Soul.

Within many cultures lemongrass is utilized as a cleansing fragrance. It has dynamic cleansing abilities to release and cleanse toxic and stagnant energies. The essential oil of lemongrass powerful through its simplicity, grants a potent healing, purifying denser held energies from old limited beliefs. It has the ability to clear and release those emotions like despairing, regret & remorse, holding on to the past, assisting to allow clarity in a situation which may have been clouded by fear and guilt.

Dilute & Apply  1-2 drops with carrier oil to bottoms of feet. 

Inhale from bottle. Place 1 drop in hand rub and breathe aroma.   

 Use as the first step of the releasing process in morning or evening.

2 Recalibration oil Litsea.  oil for assisting in Manifestation.

Litsea essential oil is a powerful support to assist in focus, creativity, inspiration and following through with action. Reinforces a shifting of  those thoughts of self doubt, limiting beliefs  we may have around money, creating our dreams and living in abundance.  It supports movement into confidence and trusting in our intuition, when we have those moments of clarity and vision. Litsea inspires one to know the world is a sea of infinite possibilities.  

Inhale from bottle or place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma.

Apply with carrier oil 1-3 drops on Root Chakra(On back above sacrum) 

3. Recalibration oil.  Spikenard oil of creating Gratitude. 

Contacts the angels of potentially, expands or contracts, revealing the secrets of the soul and the light of the universe. Aromatherapy for the Soul.

This oil encourages a letting go of victim mentality. Due to life's experiences often one may began to believe "this always happens to me." and takes on the belief of being a victim. These thoughts and beliefs are lower vibrational energies and will only create more of the same. Spikenard encourages a shift into feelings of being grateful for what one has, even if it is the little things in life. As we move into acceptance with the support of Litsea, we uplift to a higher vibration and open up to embracing a much deeper understanding about our life.

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe the aroma. 

Apply 1-3 drops on Solar Plexus Charka(above navel)

4. Support oil.  Wild Orange oil  of Abundance.

Brings the Joy of our assigned angels into our hearts touching us with happiness that remains in us always. If we can only acknowledge it.  Aromatherapy for the Soul.

This oil is one to reach for when one has a mindset of scarcity consciousness. It encourages a shift into being spontaneous, creative and brings back a feeling of plenty for all. It creates a sense of childlike playfulness and assists in a letting go of the rigid serious mind, allowing the true self to come forth.    

Inhale from bottle. Place in 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe the aroma. 

Apply 1-3 drops on Sacral Chakra. (lower stomach)


This oil is photosensitive allow  48hrs before exposing applied area to direct sunlight.

 $145.00 au @wholesale price.  click link below to shop  


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Moving to a Deeper Level.

Oils in this collection. Thyme/ Siberian Fir /Ylang Ylang /Wild Orange.

In this 2nd option if one has taken on conditioned beliefs around money from family, this collection of oils are to assist in the releasing of those ingrained beliefs. These are often passed down from generation to generation and become rooted within our subconscious. Often we do not even realize we have them, but they run our program .

1. Releasing Oil. Thyme oil of Releasing & Forgiving! 

It strengthens and gives courage when needed. During visions and dream states, messengers bring insights into our physical obstacles, and insights on how to overcome them. Aromatherapy for the Soul. 

This oil is a mighty force of releasing and cleansing what no longer serves at the highest level. It has the ability to bring forth deeply trapped emotional hurts and allow the letting go and releasing of what has kept one in the lower vibrational emotions. It brings courage to open the heart to shift into a place of forgiveness, tolerance and understanding.

Apply with a carrier oil 1-drop over the root chakra( on lower back above sacrum) or on bottom of feet. A hot oil so use with caution. 

2. Recalibration oil. Siberian Fir. The oil of Aging & Perspective 

Allows the angels of nature to enter the atmosphere For assistance during vision quests, balancing, and for holding of the star energy. Aromatherapy for the Soul 

When one has difficulty letting go of old limited beliefs rooted within their subconscious taken on within the family circle, this is a perfect oil. If you have suffered great loss and hold onto self judgement or regret about the past, it will remind the heart of the wisdom gained and to have the strength of mind to forgive the self and others. Energetically it soothes and uplifts the mind, allowing a new pathway of finding change and purpose in the present. It supports those feelings of optimism for the future and gives clarity of mind and soul.

Diffuse. Inhale from the bottle. 

Place 1-3 drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma. 

Apply 1-3 drops over the Solar Plexus Chakra(above the navel)

3. Recalibration oil. Ylang Ylang Oil of The Inner Child. 

Calming and Soothing for those with troubled mind. Aids in looking at this wonderful world we have been given with love and understanding we are all beautiful and a part of it.  Aromatherapy for the Soul.

A powerful oil to assist in releasing emotional trauma from the past.  This oil is truly one for the heart. It has the ability to soften the guarded or broken heart, allows the releasing of emotions often buried deep down within the subconscious from trauma during childhood. It supports nurturing during the releasing and healing process, brings back a childlike innocence. Allows an awakening and upliftment of the soul and invokes the innate intuition within. Inhale from bottle or place drops in hand rub and inhale the aroma.

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand breathe aroma.

Dilute with carrier oil & Apply1-2 drops over Heart Chakra

4. Support oil . Wild Orange oil of Abundance.

Brings the Joy of our assigned angels into our hearts touching us with happiness that remains in us always. If we can only acknowledge it. Aromatherapy for the Soul.

This oil is one to reach for when one has a mindset of scarcity consciousness. It encourages a shift into being spontaneous, creative and brings back a feeling of plenty for all. It creates a sense of childlike playfulness and assists in a letting go of the rigid serious mind, allowing the true self to come forth.    

Inhale from bottle. Place in 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe the aroma. 

Apply 1-3 drops over  Root or Base Chakra (on lower back above sacrum)or  Heart Chakra.

This oil is photosensitive allow  48hrs before exposing applied area to direct sunlight.


Australia @wholesale price  $150.00  click link below to shop             FREE SHIPPING WITHIN AUSTRALIA


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MONEY IS ENERGY- THE CHI (QI) MUST FLOW  In Chinese culture, qi (or chi) is the energy of the universe. It flows through all living beings and connects us energetically, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Essential Oils are activators and assist in moving stagnant chi. 


When fear or anxiety holds you back from doing the things you want or need to do, it can also affect your health. Some people become overwhelmed by fear and want to avoid situations that might make them frightened or anxious. It can be hard to break this cycle, but there are lots of ways to do it. The essential oils in this collection are a support as they encourage releasing the emotions related to the fear, shift and uplift the mind, body & soul, to a higher frequency.

Emotions Addressed: Fearful/Anxious/ Scared/ Unsafe/Uneasy/Worried/Insecure/Terrified/Trapped/Controlling/Worried. 

Oils in this collection -Lemongrass/ Ginger/ Adaptiv /FCO

1. Releasing Oil Lemongrass oil of Cleansing

Use lemongrass in times when the emotions are embedded in misery and unable to escape from it, and are in need of help to overcome it.  Aromatherapy For The Soul.

Within many cultures lemongrass is utilized as a cleansing fragrance. It has dynamic cleansing abilities to release and cleanse toxic and stagnant energies. The essential oil of lemongrass powerful through its simplicity, grants a potent healing, purifying denser held energies from old limited beliefs. It has the ability to clear and release those emotions like despairing, regret & remorse, holding on to the past, assisting to allow clarity in a situation which may have been clouded by fear and guilt.

Dilute & Apply  1-2 drops with carrier oil to bottoms of feet. 

Place 1 drop in hand rub and breathe in aroma.   

 Use as the first step of the releasing process in morning or evening.

2. Recaliberation- Ginger Oil of Empowerment. 

It is a fragance that brings stimulation and protection. Its courageous and fearless fragance can be used when we need to be stimulated into action but lack the courage to do it and so brings to our aura a strengthening energy that is transmitted by our guardians. Aromatherapy for the Soul.

Ginger is a powerful oil to bring in warrior like energy. It brings through a feeling of being strong and capable and encourages one to be courageous, present, and to take responsibility in the face of old fears and challenges. It allows the mind to be open and to change the old negative ways of reacting to experiences, and brings forth a sense of upliftment and liberation.  I Am in charge of my world, my destiny is in my hands. 

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub & breathe in aroma.

Apply 2-3 drops on Solar Plexus Chakra. with carrier oil as it is a warm oil.

3. Support -Adaptiv Blend:  The oil of Adaptability.  
Lavender. Magnolia. Neroli. Wild Orange. Spearmint. Rosemary. Copaiba.

This blend is formulated with oils which are calming to the mind, heart and soul. It reassures the mind, and comforts the heart when deep fear surfaces and one experiences a feeling of being out of control. It brings forth a protected feeling of safety and encourages a releasing of self judgements, and a moving into self trust. 

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma.

Apply 2-3 drops on Moon Chakra(back of neck under hairline) and or over Heart Chakra.  

Carrier oil: Fractionated Coconut oil

 Purchase @wholesale price $157.50  click link below to shop.


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FREE MY FEAR collection 2.  Going Deeper

Lemongrass/Cypress/Cilantro/Juniper Berry/ Balance

 1.Releasing Oil Lemongrass oil of Cleansing

Use lemongrass in times when the emotions are embedded in misery and unable to escape from it, and are in need of help to overcome it.  Aromatherapy For The Soul.

Within many cultures lemongrass is utilized as a cleansing fragrance. It has dynamic cleansing abilities to release and cleanse toxic and stagnant energies. The essential oil of lemongrass powerful through its simplicity, grants a potent healing, purifying denser held energies from old limited beliefs. It has the ability to clear and release those emotions like despairing, regret & remorse, holding on to the past, assisting to allow clarity in a situation which may have been clouded by fear and guilt.

Dilute & Apply  1-2 drops with carrier oil to bottoms of feet. 

Place 1 drop in hand rub and breathe in aroma.   

 Use as the first step of the releasing process in morning or evening.

  2. Releasing oil:  Cypress the oil of Movement & Flow. 

It offers strength and energetic protection to those who need protecting, and to those who are feeling vulnerable and insecure or have lost their purpose.   

Aromatherapy for the Soul.

This oil will assist in moving out any unresolved stagnant energies held within the emotional body. Cypress grants one the willpower and assertiveness to move beyond a stuck energy. It calls to the release of what maybe forgotten within the soul and grants the ability to begin to move into a flow, letting go and shifting a rigid and stuck mindset into surrender and trust.

Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and inhale the aroma. 

Apply 1-2 drops over Navel Chakra ( lower stomach) with carrier oil.

2. Calibration oil Cilantro - oil of Releasing Control

Fear can be magnified by the power of the mind. Cilantro has a mighty power of cleansing accumulated toxins from the physical body, and works in the same capacity within the mental and emotional bodies. 

Over indulging in fears which may not materialize is detrimental to the health and well being of the physical body, as it is to the true nature of the self. Cilantro purges and assists in releasing the lower emotional feelings of worry and fear, liberates the mind to surrender and trust in a higher power. It opens the door to step into a fuller purpose to live in harmony, detaching from the need to control.    

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe aroma.

Apply 1-3 drops over Navel Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra

4.Calibration oil  Juniper Berry- Oil of Night

Assistance during putrefaction perhaps after nightmares, or such like, it can be used during meditation to help bring the beings of light into the setting and to understand why negative experiences may be troubling us. Aromatherapy for the Soul.

This oil is a great teacher in revealing those darker aspects of the self. In all creation exists the dark and light, as the Ying and yang is symbolic, representing opposite polarities in all existence.  Juniper Berry encourages embracing and accepting those darker aspects within and instead of fearing those parts of our personality, to recognise them and come to a place of self-forgiveness and peace. 

Assists in coming to terms with our fears, as even nightmares are revealing some aspect of the self, for personal growth.  As when we fear the dark, it will encourage insight, and allows a return to feeling safe and protected as it uplifts one to a higher perspective. 

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe aroma.

Apply 1-3 drops to 3rd Eye Chakra, (across forehead) Moon Chakra {behind ears,) and or bottom of feet. Best at night 

5. Support oil Balance Blend oil of Grounding.- Frankincense, Blue Tansy, Ho Wood, Blue Chamomile, Spruce, Osmanthus.

Balance is a perfect blend to calm the nervous system, when one feels ungrounded and misaligned its soothing abilities strengthens a connection to the earth and allows a sense of remaining present in situations that may bring up fear. It encourages one to stay grounded, when one feels disconnected and to hold stead fast to maintaining harmony and balance.

Inhale from the bottle Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe aroma

Apply 1-3 drops  down back along spine.

$130.00 au @wholesale  click link below to shop 


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 Emotions Addressed: Burdened/Burnt out/ Unstable/Drained/ Depleted/ Exhaustion/Overwhelmed/Overthinking/Focused

 Oils in this collection:  /Cypress/Basil/ Black Spruce/Past Tense/cheer.

1. Releasing Oil. Cypress the oil of Movement & Flow. 

It offers strength and energetic protection to those who need protecting, and to those that are feeling vulnerable or insecure or have lost their purpose. 

Aromatherapy for The Soul

This oil will assist in moving out any unresolved stagnant energies held within the emotional body. Cypress grants one the willpower and assertiveness to move beyond a stuck energy. It calls to the release of what maybe forgotten within the soul and grants the ability to begin to move into a flow, letting go and shifting a rigid and stuck mindset into surrender and trust.

   Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand and breathe aroma.

Apply 1-2 drops over Navel Chakra (under navel lower stomach) 

2. Recalibration oil. Basil Oil of Renewal.

Basil allows enlightenment to be absorbed by the physical mind-body acting as a conduit, grounding, at the same time balancing subconscious thought and conscious reaction. Aromatherapy for the Soul.

 When life feels overwhelming through experiences of stressful situations, burnt out and exhaustion sets in. Basil comes to the rescue. A perfect oil to assist in adrenal fatigue and low energy. Basil supports a letting go of negative unhealthy patterns, and restores the heart and mind to move into the natural rhythms and flow of life. It restorative powers are healing to those in need of rejuvenation and rest bringing back harmony and balance. 

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe aroma.

Apply 1-3 drops over Solar Plexus Chakra (on lower back, addressing the Adrenals.) 

3. Recalibration oil.  Black Spruce  oil of Stability.

Black spruce calls to the scattered, unstable mind to come to a place of balance and centredness. It encourages a return to nature, where one may hear the gentle soothing sounds calling for a return to harmony of mind, body, and soul.     

It allows a recalibration of the subconscious, with a releasing of memories taken on from past generations, and a realization that 'this no longer belongs to me.'

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe the aroma.

Apply 1-3 drops on Root Chakra (on lower back above sacrum) and or on feet. 

4.Support oil. Past Tense Roller Blend. oil of Relief - Wintergreen, Lavender, Peppermint, Basil Rosemary, Cilantro, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile.  

This blend is a powerhouse packed with nine super single oils to formulate the blend. Past tense has the ability to address the pain of the physical body as it does with the emotional body. A perfect oil to address those issues of tension, burn out and overwhelmed. It has the ability to calm, relax, and soothe the trauma, at the same time uplifting and stimulating to mind and body.  

Inhale from bottle.

Apply and roll over Moon & Throat Chakra(under hairline on back of neck.) 

& or on shoulders.  

5. Support oil.  Cheer Roller Blend oil of Cheerfulness-Wild orange, Clove, Star Anise, Lemon Myrtle, Nutmeg, Vanilla, Ginger, Cinnamon

When one has dropped into the lower vibrations of being weighed down with life,   hopelessness and feelings of despair within situations, Cheer's subtle but powerful aroma reminds one that 'this too will pass!' It restores and uplifts in times of hardship and gives comfort and strength to mind, body and soul.  

$137.50 au@ wholesale  click link below to shop


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"That which weakens life energy is to be avoided: shame, guilt, confusion, fear, hatred, pride, hopelessness, and falsehood. That which uplifts life is to be realized: truth, courage, acceptance, reason, love, beauty, joy, and peace." -David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.


Emotions Addressed: Guilty/Self-judgement/Insecure/hurt feelings/ Regretful/Self-loathing/Heavy hearted/Sad/ Anguished/Ashamed/Blaming Self.

Oils in collection  Lemongrass/Copaiba/Bergamot/ Balance blend.

Oil 1. Releasing oil: Lemongrass the oil of cleansing! 

Use lemongrass in times when the emotions are embedded in misery and unable to escape from it, and are in need of help to overcome it.  Aromatherapy For The Soul.

Within many cultures lemongrass is utilized as a cleansing fragrance. It has dynamic cleansing abilities to release and cleanse toxic and stagnant energies. The essential oil of lemongrass powerful through its simplicity, grants a potent healing, purifying denser held energies from old limited beliefs. It has the ability to clear and release those emotions like despairing, regret & remorse, holding onto the past, assisting to allow clarity in a situation which may have been clouded by fear and guilt.

Dilute & Apply  1-2 drops with carrier oil to bottoms of feet. 

Place 1 drop in hand cup up and inhale.  

 Use as the first step of the releasing process in morning or evening.

2. Recalibration oil Copaiba the Oil of Unveiling. This is a powerful oil to assist in going to a deeper level where hidden emotions maybe revealed, and resolved, especially those that may have been buried within the unconscious with no conscious awareness.. Allows for insight into those recesses of the mind and heart where past choices where held in self-judgement and gently supports a letting go of the remorse and regret.   

 Calming and supporting on the nervous system this oil supports connection to Spirit and a sense of inner peace and forgiveness. 

 Apply 1-3 drops over heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, (above belly button) navel chakra( under belly button) on 3rd eye chakra (forehead) crown chakra (top of head) or back of neck under hairline (Moon chakra)  

Allow some quiet time in self reflection after applying the oil.

 3.Support oil. Bergamot the Oil of Self- Acceptance. This is a potent oil for taking responsibility of the past and moving into self-aceptance. It encourages motivation to move into harmony and joy, and to accept what was in the past as an opportunity for experience and learning. Supports in opening to self-love by releasing self-judgements, and  forgiving self for those deeper emotional regrets.  

 Inhaled from the bottle. 1-2 drops in hand, rub & breathe in the aroma.   

Dilute & Apply 1-3 drops over heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, (above belly button) navel chakra( under belly button)

This oil is photosensitive do not expose applied areas to direct sun up to 48hrs

4. Support oil  Balance The Oil of GroundingA perfect oil to use after the cleansing and acceptance oils.  It supports inner strength of mind and body, to stay connected to the earth, with stability, strength and patience. It brings calmness and tranquility to mind, body and spirit.

Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and inhale. Apply on base of spine (root chakra)  Moon centre, (under hairline back of neck)  and or bottoms of feet.

  $143.00 au @ wholesale   Click link below to shop


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At a deeper level, the unconscious mind is where your identity resides—it holds all of your personal values, goals, motivations, and feelings about yourself.It’s the source of your self-talk and your inner critic. It’s the place where our core beliefs are formed and developed,

Personal boundaries may be physical or emotional and provide an important tool in protecting and caring for ourselves. ➢ Physical boundaries define the physical space between you and others.

Emotions Addressed: Unheard/Insecure/Fear of Unsafe Wounded/Powerless/Burdened/Suffering/Self-trust/Abused.  Rejection/Disempowered/

Oils in this collection. Tea Tree, Lavender, Manuka. 

1.Releasing Oil. Tea Tree oil of Energetic Boundaries

Tea Tree has a purpose to energetically cleanse and assist in the liberation of mind, body and soul, and allows the letting go of toxic negative energies, even from the unseen. Especially relevant when one is feeling weighed down and burdened within unhealthy co-dependant relationships. It is common when one allows others to take advantage, to begin to feel drained of life force energy, sometimes without awareness. Our ability to have healthy boundaries is learnt from childhood. These patterns of behavior are held within the subconscious, and in turn influences the conscious mind which shapes our external reality. Tea Tree empowers and gives strength to embrace self respect and honor self with healthy boundaries within all relationships.

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe aroma.

Apply 1 drop on Crown Chakra.

Apply 1-3  drops on Moon Chakra (back of neck under hairline.)and or on shoulders, with carrier oil if needed.

2.Calibration oil Lavender- oil of Communication & Calm

Awakens harmony. It's a vibration that brings the angels of compassion closer when we are in need of comfort, and companionship, and recognition. that help is always available to us and that we are never alone.   Aromatherapy for the Soul.

When struggle to assert one's need for healthy boundaries is apparent, and it is difficult to have a voice, often it is from a childhood belief 'children are seen but not heard'. Lavender assists in addressing these fears of feeling unsafe to speak, or of insecurities learnt from old beliefs. These denser negative energies stem from past experiences when self expression was shut down and fear of rejection was instilled within the subconscious. Lavender gently whispers to the mind granting a feeling of calmness, safety and self acceptance. It's frequency uplifts the wounded heart releasing the old, opens the possibilities of honest communication, and supports a knowing, 'my words have value I am worthy to be heard!'

Inhale from bottle. Diffuse

Place 1-2 drops in hand rub breathe aroma.

Apply 1-3 drops on Throat Chakra (front, and back of lower neck.)

3 Support oil  Manuka Roller  oil of Being Upheld

Manuka, is a powerful healer, and has the gift of giving to humanity the knowing we are always connected and upheld by the Divine. It has such a powerful frequency to release old energetic wounds, uplift a wounded heart, and grants a connection to the heavens. It shifts lower denser vibrations of suffering, burdened, powerless, unsafe. It has a precious gift of uplifting, mind body and soul to allow a transcendence of peace and knowingness of being upheld and connected to the divine.

 Apply and roll over Heart Chakra, Moon Chakra (back of neck under hairline.) 

on wrists.

$126.00au @ wholesale au. To shop Click link below 


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Cleansing Oil- Clove oil of Boundaries.  

For when we are afraid and in need of angelic assistance or at least, need to believe they are close by,  to send with joy our thanks to these realms in celebration. Aromatherapy for the Soul.

Clove is also a powerful cleanser in assisting in uplifting those lower vibrational energies, especially when living within a belief pattern of victim mentality. This can be the result of conditioning and mistreatment during childhood, resulting in a distorted view on what are healthy boundaries within relationships. Clove supports a letting go of those instilled beliefs, uplifts and allows a new mindset of taking control of one's outer world, with a sense of self value. It encourages inspiration, to say, 'no more,' and to move forward with integrity, It's inner warmth stimulates a feeling of empowerment and a desire to let go victim consciousness.

Inhale from bottle and or diffuse

Apply: Always with carrier oil as clove is HOT! 

1-2 drops over Solar Plexus Chakra( above navel) and bottom of feet with carrier oil.

2 Calibration oil . Lavender- oil of Communication & Calm

Awakens harmony. It's a vibration that brings the angels of compassion closer when we are in need of comfort, and companionship, and recognition. that help is always available to us and that we are never alone.   Aromatherapy for the Soul.

When struggle to assert one's need for healthy boundaries is apparent, and it is difficult to have a voice, often it is from a childhood belief 'children are seen but not heard'. Lavender assists in addressing these fears of feeling unsafe to speak, or of insecurities learnt from old beliefs. These denser negative energies stem from past experiences when self expression was shut down and fear of rejection was instilled within the subconscious. Lavender gently whispers to the mind granting a feeling of calmness, safety and self acceptance. It's frequency uplifts the wounded heart releasing the old, opens the possibilities of honest communication, and supports a knowing, 'my words have value I am worthy to be heard!'

Inhale from bottle. Diffuse

Place 1-2 drops in hand rub breathe aroma.

Apply 1-3 drops on Throat Chakra (front, and back of lower neck under hairline..)

3. Calibration oil Pink Pepper.  oil of Intrinsic Equality.

Pink Pepper calls to know and accept self. When one has a distorted self image, lives in comparison, and believes they are less than, these lower vibrational feelings begin to take hold of mind body and soul. The patterns of comparing and self judgement, 'I'm not good enough,' comes from conditioning during early years. Pink pepper grants strength and fortitude, uplifts and opens the heart to accept the self, encourages a letting go of accepted negative belief patterns.  Allows a return to a more compassionate view of self and others.

 Inhale from bottle,    Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma. 

Apply with carrier oil 1-3 drops on Root Chakra (on lower back above sacrum) and or on Solar Plexus Chakra. 

4. Support oil Adaptiv Blend: The oil of Adaptability. Lavender. Magnolia. Neroli. Wild Orange. Spearmint. Rosemary. Copaiba.

This blend is formulated with oils which are calming to the mind, heart and soul. It reassures the mind, and comforts the heart when deep fear surfaces and one experiences a feeling of being out of control. It brings forth a protected feeling of safety and encourages a releasing of self judgements, and a moving into self trust.

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma.

Apply 2-3 drops on Moon Chakra(back of neck under hairline) and or over Heart Chakra.  

5. Carrier oil: Fractionated Coconut oil to apply with Clove and Pink Pepper

$128.50@ wholesale au   to shop click link below. 


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 Vibrational Aromatherapy honours that we are multidimensional beings of light and energy that can bring in higher vibrational energy to the physical body for healing and transmutation of disease and spiritual evolution of the soul. by Rachael White 

Emotions addressed:




   Oils in this collection. Thyme/ Cypress/ Motivate/Supermint.

1.Releasing oil: Thyme the oil of Releasing & Forgiving.

It strengthens and gives courage when needed. During visions and dream states, messengers bring insights into our physical obstacles, and insights on how to overcome them.  Aromatherapy for the Soul. 

This oil is a mighty force of releasing and cleansing what no longer serves at the highest level. It has the ability to bring forth deeply trapped emotional hurts and allow the letting go and releasing of what has kept one in the lower vibrational emotions. It brings courage to open the heart to shift into a place of forgiveness, tolerance and understanding. 

Apply with a carrier oil 1-drop over the root chakra( on lower back above sacrum) or on bottom of feet. A hot oil so use with caution.

2. Recalibration oil. Cypress the oil of Movement & Flow. 

It offers strength and energetic protection to those who need protecting, and to those that are feeling vulnerable or insecure or have lost their purpose. 

Aromatherapy for The Soul

Powerful in moving out any unresolved stagnant energies held within the emotional body. It calls to the release of what may be forgotten within the soul and grants the ability to begin to move into a flow, letting go and shifting a rigid and stuck mindset into surrender and trust.

Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and inhale the aroma.

Apply 1-2 drops over navel chakra (under navel lower stomach) with carrier oil.

 Peppermint basil melissa rosemary vanilla yuzu coriander clementine

This is a wonderful blend when one feels stuck and stagnant and lacking any desire to change the situation they find themselves in. Often when one is feeling heavy and weighed down with the burdens of life this blend energetically uplifts and reignites a feeling of courage and faith in life once again.

Inhale from bottle or place 1-2 drops in hand breathe in aroma. 

Apply 1-2 drops on the solar plexus chakra.

4. Support oil. Supermint Blend - the oil of PerspectiveJapanese  peppermint spearmint,  peppermint, Bergamot Mint.

Is strong and cleansing and can be used when barriers have been erected, and all help has been refused. Used to clear a pathway.  Aromatherapy for the soul. 

A combination of mint oils this blend of mints is one for the weary and heavy burdened in mind and body. It clears the mind of negativity, uplifts the lower vibrational feelings of despair, soothes and energises the heart and soul when one feels depressed, hopeless and exhausted. Energetically supermint allows a new view on the situation, and brings forth a desire to let go limited beliefs on life. Brings back feelings of optimism, and confidence in self.

Inhale from bottle or place 1-2 drops rub hand breathe in aroma. 

Apply 1-2 drops on the Moon Chakra (back of neck)

$141.00 au @ wholesale . to shop click link below


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Emotions Addressed -heartbroken/Betrayed/closed/lost/sad/emotionally blocked.

 The oils in this collection assist in releasing the emotions and aligning to self-healing around the heart centre. 

0ils in collection 1 .Ylang Ylang/ Bergamot Mint/Geranium1. 

Releasing oil. Ylang Ylang Oil of The Inner Child. 

Aids in looking at this wonderful world we have been given, with love, and the understanding that we are all beautiful and a part of it. Aromatherapy for the Soul.

Ylang Ylang, a powerful oil to assist in releasing emotional trauma from the past.  This oil is truly one for the heart. It has the ability to soften the guarded or broken heart, allows the releasing of emotions often buried deep down within the subconscious from trauma during childhood. It supports nurturing during the releasing and healing process, brings back a childlike innocence.  Allows an awakening and upliftment of the soul and invokes the innate intuition within . Inhale from bottle or place drops in hand rub and inhale the aroma. Dilute & Apply1-2 drops over heart chakra2. 

Recalibration oil. Bergamot Mint. Oil of Revived Heart. This oil brings back energy and balance to the heart, allows for the release of unresolved emotions, moving those energies from often times forgotten experiences. It is also very effective in softening and calming the heart when one has  judged themselves as unlovable or not enough. Allows awareness of hope and confidence and renews a connection with our higher self. Reminds us of our connection with spirit through every transitional crossroad in life.   place drops in hand cup up inhale the aroma. Dilute & Apply with carrier oil1-2 drops over heart chakra or navel chakra3. 

Support oil. Geranium. The oil of Love & Trust.

Will allow us to be centered enough to bring the angelic realms closer for comfort and reassurance. It contains an aroma that assists in understanding both the opportunities and disappointments that may come our way.  Aromatherapy for the Soul

Geranium is a  powerful transformation oil. It has the ability to comfort and restore when trust has been broken, and aids in the healing when one has lost faith in others. It supports one through releasing the hurt, pain & anger and like a loving mother gently nurtures the mind, body & soul back to harmony and balance. The healing energies of geranium allows the reopening of the heart back to forgiveness and loving self and others.  

Inhale from bottle or diffuse.

1-2drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma.

Dilute & Apply with carrier oil 1-3 drops over Heart Chakra. 

4. Fractionated Coconut oil is carrier oil for applications.

$150.50 au@ wholesale  to shop click link below 



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Oils in collection 2. Ylang Ylang/Easy Air Blend(Breathe) Geranium.

1. Releasing Oil.  Ylang Ylang Oil of Inner Child

Aids in looking at this wonderful world we have been given, with love, and the understanding that we are all beautiful and a part of it. Aromatherapy for the Soul.

A powerful oil to assist in releasing emotional trauma from the past.  This oil is truly one for the heart. It has the ability to soften the guarded or broken heart, allows the releasing of emotions often buried deep down within the subconscious from trauma during childhood. It supports nurturing during the releasing and healing process, brings back a childlike innocence.  Allows an awakening and upliftment of the soul and invokes the innate intuition within .

Inhale from bottle or place drops in hand rub and inhale the aroma.

Dilute & Apply1-2 drops over heart chakra. 

2. Recalibration oil. Easy Air(Breathe) Blend-Eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, laurel bay, lemon, cardamom, ravensara, ravintsara.   

Our breathe is our life force, for we cannot live in this world without it. Otten when we have lost a loved one or have experienced great lost in life, our ability to breathe deeply and restore our lifeforce energies has diminished. Easy Air assists in the release of deeply held grief, bringing back our ability to honor our breath and to cherish our life. 

Inhale from bottle or place drops in hand rub and breathe in the aroma, 

.Dilute & Apply with carrier oil 1-3 drops over heart chakra. 

3. Support oil. Geranium Oil of self love & Trust 

Will allow us to be centered enough to bring the angelic realms closer for comfort and reassurance. It contains an aroma that assists in understanding both the opportunities and disappointments that may come our way.  Aromatherapy for the Soul

Geranium is a powerful transformation oil. It has the ability to comfort and restore when trust has been broken, and aids in the healing when one has lost faith in others. It supports one through releasing the hurt, pain & anger and like a loving mother gently nurtures the mind, body & soul back to harmony and balance. 

The healing energies of geranium allows the reopening of the heart back to forgiveness and loving self and others.   

Inhale from bottle. 1-2drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma.

Apply with carrier oil 1-3 drops over Heart Chakra.

$139.00 @ au wholesale. to shop click link below. 


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"PATHWAY TO INNER PEACE! collection".Embark on a journey towards self-discovery and inner tranquility with our latest collection. A powerful selection to assist in uplifting your Personal Signature Frequency.

Emotions addressed:  Anxious/Worried/Afraid/Conflicted/Fragmented/Scattered  

Disconnected/Stressed/Traumatized/Judgemental/Holding on to past.

Oils in Collection. Purify/ Cypress/ Siberian Fir/Citrus-Bloom/ Peace

1 Releasing Oil.  Purify Blend the oil of purification- lemon. Siberian fir, lime, tea tree, citronella, cilantro

This is a potent releasing oil which supports the letting go of toxic and negative emotions. It has a powerful cleansing effect on the mind, especially if one is constantly within a pattern of negative thinking with low vibrational thoughts and struggles to shift into a positive mindset. This blend has the ability to support the letting go and shifting of those old pathways into the new. Diffuse. Place drops in hand rub and breathe the aroma. Apply with carrier oil 1-3 drops to Root chakra (the lower back above the sacrum.)1-2 drops on bottom on feet. 

2 Recalibration oil . Cypress the oil of Movement & Flow. This oil will assist in moving out any unresolved stagnant energies held within the emotional body. It calls to the release of what may be forgotten within the soul and grants the ability to begin to move into a flow, letting go and shifting a rigid and stuck mindset into surrender and trust. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and inhale the aroma. Apply 1-2 drops over Navel Chakra ( lower stomach) with carrier oil.

3.recalibration oil Siberian Fir. The oil of Aging & Perspective This is a perfect oil for one who holds on to negative past experiences and habitually keep thinking about those events. Often self judgement or regret about the past . It will remind the heart of the wisdom gained and to have the strength of mind to forgive the self and others. Energetically it soothes and uplifts the mind, allowing a new pathway of finding change and purpose in the present. It supports those feelings of optimism for the future and gives clarity of mind and spirit. 

Diffuse. Inhale from the bottle. 

Place 1-3 drops in hand cup and breathe in aroma. Apply 1-3 drops over the Solar Plexus Chakra(above the navel) 

4.Support oil. Citrus Bloom Blend. The oil of New Beginnings 

This is a wonderful blend to grant the opportunity to release the old and to transition into the new. It allows the cleansing of dense stagnant energies and encourages adventure and a sense of purpose to explore the fruitfulness of life. It brings a feeling of light heartiness where there was a feeling of anxiousness, regret and remorse. With the release of the old stagnant energies, the ability to allow that quiet space begins to be perceived and intuitive messages reveal themselves .Diffuse. Inhale from the bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma. Apply 1-2 drops over the Heart Chakra or over Navel chakra.(lower stomach)The oils in this blend are photosensitive do not exposed the applied areas to direct sunlight up to 48hrs. 

5.Support oil. PEACE TOUCH Roller Blend. This blend was especially formulated to bring about connection to the Divine and to ignite a sense of Peace. 

Use daily after applying the releasing and forgiving oils in the recommended process. 

Apply on wrists, Moon Chakra (back of neck under hairline)or across Heart Chakra.  

$147.00 au @ wholesale  to shop click link below.  


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Divine Energy pervades all of existence. Embrace this connection with an open heart, and let it illuminate your path toward spiritual growth and self-awareness. Essential oils can be a powerful tool to assist in uplifting our frequency so we may connect more deeply to our Inner Divinity.

In all spiritual traditions since the beginning of history on this planet Fragrances and oils have been used in rituals, spiritual practices and ceremony. These aromatic traditions held a transformation power, linking the physical and the ethereal.   

Emotions Addressed: Spiritually disconnected/spiritual darkness distant from father.  controlling/distrusting/defeated/lonely/afraid/rigid mind  

Collection 1. Oils in this collection Frankincense, Clary Sage. 

1. Releasing OilClary Sage oil of Clarity and Vision.

Gently awakens the subtle realms of the subconscious bringing harmony and purpose for the times when we pray for assistance, from the angles, to reveal our purpose or to a least understand a little of why we tread such a path. Aromatherapy for the Soul.

  1. Clary sage offers a release and grants new insight and perspective shifting those feelings of being spiritually disconnected. It assists in a regeneration of the mind and body. It brings the realization that most of our problems are in our imagination and whispers to us to surrender the illusion and limiting beliefs. It restores, clarity, creativity and connection to our intuition, and rekindles our trust in a higher vision of ourselves. It draws us into the inner world of visions and communion with our inner divinity.  

Diffuse. Inhale from bottle. 

Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma.

Apply 2-3 drops on Moon Chakra(back of neck under hairline) and on 3rd Eye Chakra. daily for 7days or as long as needed.

2.Recalibration & Support oil Frankincense oil of Truth.

This sweet protector of the heavens operates far beyond the auric field in the light realms- It is apoptogenic - It will adapt to a persons spiritual state of being. Aromatherapy for the Soul

Frankincense holds a magnificent light and is a powerful reminder of our divinity.

It has been utilized down the ages to connect to the heavens, to Father, Creator, Source and has the ability to draw us into the Inner World. Encourages a healing of negative issues around a physical father and assists one in coming to a place of forgiveness. It has the capability to cleanse the darkness and negativity especially when we deceive ourselves and struggle to be integrity with ourselves and others. When we live in truth our frequency is uplifted, as we move into and live in authenticity we shine a much greater light into the world.  

Frankincense assists by  shinning its powerful light on any lies and deceptions we may hold, it encourages truth, and shifts stagnant lower energies. It draws one into the inner world of quiet reflection, meditation and connection to the Divine.

 Diffuse. Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma.

Apply 1-2 drops to Crown Chakra, 3rd Eye Chakra. In morning or for as long as needed.


$155.00 au @ wholesale. to shop click link below



Collection 2.  Moving deeper. 

Oils in this collection. Lime/Arborvitae/Copaiba/Magnolia

1. Releasing oil.  Lime oil of Zest for Life!

Lime has a purpose. It reminds one who is weighed down, broken, grieving, that life can be good again. It encourages one to go beyond the mindset of negativity, disillusionment, disappointment, apathy, and shines a light where darkness has taken hold. It uplifts the heart allows a release of old toxic emotions. It grants hope to begin a new, and connects the mind and heart to live in the moment. 

Diffuse. Inhale from bottle place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma.

Apply 1-3drops over Root Chakra (on lower back) above Sacrum.  

This oil is photosensitive do not expose applied area to direct sunlight for up to 48hrs.

2. Recalibration oil Arborvitae Oil of Divine Grace.

The Latin meaning of Arborvitae is 'The Tree of Life '  When one struggles to control and lives in constant distrust and fear, the flow of life is continually blocked and peace is unattainable. Arborvitae supports a releasing of these negative beliefs and encourages one to let go of the struggle. It calls forth a revaluation of the mind giving strength to allow, release, and surrender to Divine Grace. 

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma.

Apply with carrier oil 1-3drops over Solar Plexus.(above navel)  

3. Recalibration Copaiba oil of Unveiling 

Copaiba is a powerful oil to assist in going to a deeper level where hidden emotions may resolve, especially those that may have been buried within the unconscious. Allows a pulling back of the veil so one may recognise and release what no longer serves at the highest level. 

When one holds on to those denser vibrational emotions one's ability to connect to the divine is limited. Copaiba allows for insight into those recesses of the mind and heart where past choices where held in self-judgement and gently supports a letting go of those old wounds. Copaiba allows a knowing of being loved and valued by a higher power.  

Apply 1-3 drops over heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, (above belly button) navel chakra( under belly button) on 3rd eye chakra (forehead) crown chakra (top of head) or back of neck under hairline (Moon chakra)  

4. Support Oil Magnolia Touch Oil of Compassion.

As one releases the denser heavier emotions and begins to shift into a higher vibrational state, the mind calls to awaken the compassionate heart. Magnolia opens our minds and shows that we are all truly one, connected through the divine feminine. It uplifts mind, body and soul through the compassionate heart, granting transformation, beyond suffering into feelings of unity and communion with the Divine.    

Apply and roll over Heart Chakra, Moon Chakra, wrists throughout the day.

$149.00 au @ wholesale   to shop click link below


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