Oils in the Collection LEMONGRASS the Oil of Cleansing. 1. This is a powerful oil to assist in the letting go of limiting beliefs, toxic and negitive energies. Allows for the letting go of past and stagnant energies, and assists in seeing situations with greater clarity. 2. Copaiba the Oil of Unvieling. Supports those in letting go unresolved pain in the heart mind and body. Supports in acknowleging the past choices and experiences where guilt or shame may have been felt and to allow remorse, & self forgiveness. 3. Bergamot the Oil of Self- Acceptance. This is a potent oild for cleansing and allowing for the letting go of limited beliefs and stagnant energies. It generates movement in the energy body, allowing for the letting go of self-judgements and to open to selflove. 4. Balance The Oil of Grounding. A perfect oil to use after the cleansing and acceptance. Balance brings stability and strength to reconnect to the earth and to stay focused on dreams hopes and visions for the future..