How to understand human emotions?

Simply notice whatever emotion you feel, then name that emotion in your mind. It only takes a second to do this, but it's great practice. Notice that each emotion passes and makes room for the next experience. Rate how strong the feeling is. 

How to listen to your physical emotions

Sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly what you’re feeling. Is it anger or sadness? Excitement or pleasure? Paying attention to how your body feels can be helpful. One way is to tune in to how much energy you feel.In 1980, psychologist James Russel developed the Emotion Circumplex Model, a circular model of emotions that has two axes: One axis is from high to low energy, and the other axis is high to low pleasure.High-energy positive emotions:

  • excitement
  • delight
  • astonishment

Low-energy positive emotions:

  • pleasure
  • contentment
  • relaxation
  • calmness

High-energy negative emotions:

  • anger
  • fear
  • alarm

Low-energy negative emotions:

  • depression
  • boredom
  • tiredness

You can use this model to gain deeper insight into your emotions. The next time you experience a powerful or confusing emotion, try considering if your emotion leans positive or negative, if your energy leans high or low, and where in the body you are experiencing your emotions.This method can teach you how to use precise language surrounding your emotions, helping you better understand yourself and communicate with others more effectively

from https://psychcentral.com/