03 Apr

Emotions Addressed: Fearful/Anxious/ Scared/ Unsafe/Uneasy/Worried/Insecure/Terrified/Trapped/Controlling/Worried. 

Oils in this collection -Lemongrass/ Ginger/ Adaptiv /FCO

1. Releasing Oil Lemongrass oil of Cleansing

Use lemongrass in times when the emotions are embedded in misery and unable to escape from it, and are in need of help to overcome it.  Aromatherapy For The Soul.

Within many cultures lemongrass is utilized as a cleansing fragrance. It has dynamic cleansing abilities to release and cleanse toxic and stagnant energies. The essential oil of lemongrass powerful through its simplicity, grants a potent healing, purifying denser held energies from old limited beliefs. It has the ability to clear and release those emotions like despairing, regret & remorse, holding on to the past, assisting to allow clarity in a situation which may have been clouded by fear and guilt.

Dilute & Apply  1-2 drops with carrier oil to bottoms of feet. 

Place 1 drop in hand rub and breathe in aroma.   

 Use as the first step of the releasing process in morning or evening.

2. Recaliberation- Ginger Oil of Empowerment. 

It is a fragance that brings stimulation and protection. Its courageous and fearless fragance can be used when we need to be stimulated into action but lack the courage to do it and so brings to our aura a strengthening energy that is transmitted by our guardians. Aromatherapy for the Soul.

Ginger is a powerful oil to bring in warrior like energy. It brings through a feeling of being strong and capable and encourages one to be courageous, present, and to take responsibility in the face of old fears and challenges. It allows the mind to be open and to change the old negative ways of reacting to experiences, and brings forth a sense of upliftment and liberation.  I Am in charge of my world, my destiny is in my hands. 

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub & breathe in aroma.

Apply 2-3 drops on Solar Plexus Chakra. with carrier oil as it is a warm oil.

3. Support -Adaptiv Blend:  The oil of Adaptability.  
Lavender. Magnolia. Neroli. Wild Orange. Spearmint. Rosemary. Copaiba.

This blend is formulated with oils which are calming to the mind, heart and soul. It reassures the mind, and comforts the heart when deep fear surfaces and one experiences a feeling of being out of control. It brings forth a protected feeling of safety and encourages a releasing of self judgements, and a moving into self trust. 

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma.

Apply 2-3 drops on Moon Chakra(back of neck under hairline) and or over Heart Chakra.  

Carrier oil: Fractionated Coconut oil

 Purchase @wholesale price $157.50  click link below to shop.


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FREE MY FEAR collection 2.  Going Deeper

Lemongrass/Cypress/Cilantro/Juniper Berry/ Balance

 1.Releasing Oil Lemongrass oil of Cleansing

Use lemongrass in times when the emotions are embedded in misery and unable to escape from it, and are in need of help to overcome it.  Aromatherapy For The Soul.

Within many cultures lemongrass is utilized as a cleansing fragrance. It has dynamic cleansing abilities to release and cleanse toxic and stagnant energies. The essential oil of lemongrass powerful through its simplicity, grants a potent healing, purifying denser held energies from old limited beliefs. It has the ability to clear and release those emotions like despairing, regret & remorse, holding on to the past, assisting to allow clarity in a situation which may have been clouded by fear and guilt.

Dilute & Apply  1-2 drops with carrier oil to bottoms of feet. 

Place 1 drop in hand rub and breathe in aroma.   

 Use as the first step of the releasing process in morning or evening.

  2. Releasing oil:  Cypress the oil of Movement & Flow. 

It offers strength and energetic protection to those who need protecting, and to those who are feeling vulnerable and insecure or have lost their purpose.   

Aromatherapy for the Soul.

This oil will assist in moving out any unresolved stagnant energies held within the emotional body. Cypress grants one the willpower and assertiveness to move beyond a stuck energy. It calls to the release of what maybe forgotten within the soul and grants the ability to begin to move into a flow, letting go and shifting a rigid and stuck mindset into surrender and trust.

Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and inhale the aroma. 

Apply 1-2 drops over Navel Chakra ( lower stomach) with carrier oil.

2. Calibration oil Cilantro - oil of Releasing Control

Fear can be magnified by the power of the mind. Cilantro has a mighty power of cleansing accumulated toxins from the physical body, and works in the same capacity within the mental and emotional bodies. 

Over indulging in fears which may not materialize is detrimental to the health and well being of the physical body, as it is to the true nature of the self. Cilantro purges and assists in releasing the lower emotional feelings of worry and fear, liberates the mind to surrender and trust in a higher power. It opens the door to step into a fuller purpose to live in harmony, detaching from the need to control.    

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe aroma.

Apply 1-3 drops over Navel Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra

4.Calibration oil  Juniper Berry- Oil of Night

Assistance during putrefaction perhaps after nightmares, or such like, it can be used during meditation to help bring the beings of light into the setting and to understand why negative experiences may be troubling us. Aromatherapy for the Soul.

This oil is a great teacher in revealing those darker aspects of the self. In all creation exists the dark and light, as the Ying and yang is symbolic, representing opposite polarities in all existence.  Juniper Berry encourages embracing and accepting those darker aspects within and instead of fearing those parts of our personality, to recognise them and come to a place of self-forgiveness and peace. 

Assists in coming to terms with our fears, as even nightmares are revealing some aspect of the self, for personal growth.  As when we fear the dark, it will encourage insight, and allows a return to feeling safe and protected as it uplifts one to a higher perspective. 

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe aroma.

Apply 1-3 drops to 3rd Eye Chakra, (across forehead) Moon Chakra {behind ears,) and or bottom of feet. Best at night 

5. Support oil Balance Blend oil of Grounding.- Frankincense, Blue Tansy, Ho Wood, Blue Chamomile, Spruce, Osmanthus.

Balance is a perfect blend to calm the nervous system, when one feels ungrounded and misaligned its soothing abilities strengthens a connection to the earth and allows a sense of remaining present in situations that may bring up fear. It encourages one to stay grounded, when one feels disconnected and to hold stead fast to maintaining harmony and balance.

Inhale from the bottle Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe aroma

Apply 1-3 drops  down back along spine.

$130.00 au @wholesale  click link below to shop 


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