Oils in this collection: Lemongrass/Litsea/Spikenard/Wild orange
Emotions Addressed: Blocked/limited/Limited beliefs,
Failure/Victim Mentality/ Trapped/Scarcity/Doubt/Discouraged/
Oil 1. Releasing oil: Lemongrass is known as the oil of cleansing!
Use lemongrass in times when the emotions are embedded in misery and unable to escape from it, and are in need of help to overcome it. Aromatherapy For The Soul.
Within many cultures lemongrass is utilized as a cleansing fragrance. It has dynamic cleansing abilities to release and cleanse toxic and stagnant energies. The essential oil of lemongrass powerful through its simplicity, grants a potent healing, purifying denser held energies from old limited beliefs. It has the ability to clear and release those emotions like despairing, regret & remorse, holding on to the past, assisting to allow clarity in a situation which may have been clouded by fear and guilt.
Dilute & Apply 1-2 drops with carrier oil to bottoms of feet.
Inhale from bottle. Place 1 drop in hand rub and breathe aroma.
Use as the first step of the releasing process in morning or evening.
2 Recalibration oil Litsea. oil for assisting in Manifestation.
Litsea essential oil is a powerful support to assist in focus, creativity, inspiration and following through with action. Reinforces a shifting of those thoughts of self doubt, limiting beliefs we may have around money, creating our dreams and living in abundance. It supports movement into confidence and trusting in our intuition, when we have those moments of clarity and vision. Litsea inspires one to know the world is a sea of infinite possibilities.
Inhale from bottle or place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma.
Apply with carrier oil 1-3 drops on Root Chakra(On back above sacrum)
3. Recalibration oil. Spikenard oil of creating Gratitude.
Contacts the angels of potentially, expands or contracts, revealing the secrets of the soul and the light of the universe. Aromatherapy for the Soul.
This oil encourages a letting go of victim mentality. Due to life's experiences often one may began to believe "this always happens to me." and takes on the belief of being a victim. These thoughts and beliefs are lower vibrational energies and will only create more of the same. Spikenard encourages a shift into feelings of being grateful for what one has, even if it is the little things in life. As we move into acceptance with the support of Litsea, we uplift to a higher vibration and open up to embracing a much deeper understanding about our life.
Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe the aroma.
Apply 1-3 drops on Solar Plexus Charka(above navel)
4. Support oil. Wild Orange oil of Abundance.
Brings the Joy of our assigned angels into our hearts touching us with happiness that remains in us always. If we can only acknowledge it. Aromatherapy for the Soul.
This oil is one to reach for when one has a mindset of scarcity consciousness. It encourages a shift into being spontaneous, creative and brings back a feeling of plenty for all. It creates a sense of childlike playfulness and assists in a letting go of the rigid serious mind, allowing the true self to come forth.
Inhale from bottle. Place in 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe the aroma.
Apply 1-3 drops on Sacral Chakra. (lower stomach)
This oil is photosensitive allow 48hrs before exposing applied area to direct sunlight.
$145.00 au @wholesale price. click link below to shop
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Moving to a Deeper Level.
Oils in this collection. Thyme/ Siberian Fir /Ylang Ylang /Wild Orange.
In this 2nd option if one has taken on conditioned beliefs around money from family, this collection of oils are to assist in the releasing of those ingrained beliefs. These are often passed down from generation to generation and become rooted within our subconscious. Often we do not even realize we have them, but they run our program .
1. Releasing Oil. Thyme oil of Releasing & Forgiving!
It strengthens and gives courage when needed. During visions and dream states, messengers bring insights into our physical obstacles, and insights on how to overcome them. Aromatherapy for the Soul.
This oil is a mighty force of releasing and cleansing what no longer serves at the highest level. It has the ability to bring forth deeply trapped emotional hurts and allow the letting go and releasing of what has kept one in the lower vibrational emotions. It brings courage to open the heart to shift into a place of forgiveness, tolerance and understanding.
Apply with a carrier oil 1-drop over the root chakra( on lower back above sacrum) or on bottom of feet. A hot oil so use with caution.
2. Recalibration oil. Siberian Fir. The oil of Aging & Perspective
Allows the angels of nature to enter the atmosphere For assistance during vision quests, balancing, and for holding of the star energy. Aromatherapy for the Soul
When one has difficulty letting go of old limited beliefs rooted within their subconscious taken on within the family circle, this is a perfect oil. If you have suffered great loss and hold onto self judgement or regret about the past, it will remind the heart of the wisdom gained and to have the strength of mind to forgive the self and others. Energetically it soothes and uplifts the mind, allowing a new pathway of finding change and purpose in the present. It supports those feelings of optimism for the future and gives clarity of mind and soul.
Diffuse. Inhale from the bottle.
Place 1-3 drops in hand rub and breathe in aroma.
Apply 1-3 drops over the Solar Plexus Chakra(above the navel)
3. Recalibration oil. Ylang Ylang Oil of The Inner Child.
Calming and Soothing for those with troubled mind. Aids in looking at this wonderful world we have been given with love and understanding we are all beautiful and a part of it. Aromatherapy for the Soul.
A powerful oil to assist in releasing emotional trauma from the past. This oil is truly one for the heart. It has the ability to soften the guarded or broken heart, allows the releasing of emotions often buried deep down within the subconscious from trauma during childhood. It supports nurturing during the releasing and healing process, brings back a childlike innocence. Allows an awakening and upliftment of the soul and invokes the innate intuition within. Inhale from bottle or place drops in hand rub and inhale the aroma.
Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand breathe aroma.
Dilute with carrier oil & Apply1-2 drops over Heart Chakra
4. Support oil . Wild Orange oil of Abundance.
Brings the Joy of our assigned angels into our hearts touching us with happiness that remains in us always. If we can only acknowledge it. Aromatherapy for the Soul.
This oil is one to reach for when one has a mindset of scarcity consciousness. It encourages a shift into being spontaneous, creative and brings back a feeling of plenty for all. It creates a sense of childlike playfulness and assists in a letting go of the rigid serious mind, allowing the true self to come forth.
Inhale from bottle. Place in 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe the aroma.
Apply 1-3 drops over Root or Base Chakra (on lower back above sacrum)or Heart Chakra.
This oil is photosensitive allow 48hrs before exposing applied area to direct sunlight.
Australia @wholesale price $150.00 click link below to shop FREE SHIPPING WITHIN AUSTRALIA
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MONEY IS ENERGY- THE CHI (QI) MUST FLOW In Chinese culture, qi (or chi) is the energy of the universe. It flows through all living beings and connects us energetically, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Essential Oils are activators and assist in moving stagnant chi.