30 Mar

 Emotions Addressed: Burdened/Burnt out/ Unstable/Drained/ Depleted/ Exhaustion/Overwhelmed/Overthinking/Focused

 Oils in this collection:  /Cypress/Basil/ Black Spruce/Past Tense/cheer.

1. Releasing Oil. Cypress the oil of Movement & Flow. 

It offers strength and energetic protection to those who need protecting, and to those that are feeling vulnerable or insecure or have lost their purpose. 

Aromatherapy for The Soul

This oil will assist in moving out any unresolved stagnant energies held within the emotional body. Cypress grants one the willpower and assertiveness to move beyond a stuck energy. It calls to the release of what maybe forgotten within the soul and grants the ability to begin to move into a flow, letting go and shifting a rigid and stuck mindset into surrender and trust.

   Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand and breathe aroma.

Apply 1-2 drops over Navel Chakra (under navel lower stomach) 

2. Recalibration oil. Basil Oil of Renewal.

Basil allows enlightenment to be absorbed by the physical mind-body acting as a conduit, grounding, at the same time balancing subconscious thought and conscious reaction. Aromatherapy for the Soul.

 When life feels overwhelming through experiences of stressful situations, burnt out and exhaustion sets in. Basil comes to the rescue. A perfect oil to assist in adrenal fatigue and low energy. Basil supports a letting go of negative unhealthy patterns, and restores the heart and mind to move into the natural rhythms and flow of life. It restorative powers are healing to those in need of rejuvenation and rest bringing back harmony and balance. 

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe aroma.

Apply 1-3 drops over Solar Plexus Chakra (on lower back, addressing the Adrenals.) 

3. Recalibration oil.  Black Spruce  oil of Stability.

Black spruce calls to the scattered, unstable mind to come to a place of balance and centredness. It encourages a return to nature, where one may hear the gentle soothing sounds calling for a return to harmony of mind, body, and soul.     

It allows a recalibration of the subconscious, with a releasing of memories taken on from past generations, and a realization that 'this no longer belongs to me.'

Inhale from bottle. Place 1-2 drops in hand rub and breathe the aroma.

Apply 1-3 drops on Root Chakra (on lower back above sacrum) and or on feet. 

4.Support oil. Past Tense Roller Blend. oil of Relief - Wintergreen, Lavender, Peppermint, Basil Rosemary, Cilantro, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile.  

This blend is a powerhouse packed with nine super single oils to formulate the blend. Past tense has the ability to address the pain of the physical body as it does with the emotional body. A perfect oil to address those issues of tension, burn out and overwhelmed. It has the ability to calm, relax, and soothe the trauma, at the same time uplifting and stimulating to mind and body.  

Inhale from bottle.

Apply and roll over Moon & Throat Chakra(under hairline on back of neck.) 

& or on shoulders.  

5. Support oil.  Cheer Roller Blend oil of Cheerfulness-Wild orange, Clove, Star Anise, Lemon Myrtle, Nutmeg, Vanilla, Ginger, Cinnamon

When one has dropped into the lower vibrations of being weighed down with life,   hopelessness and feelings of despair within situations, Cheer's subtle but powerful aroma reminds one that 'this too will pass!' It restores and uplifts in times of hardship and gives comfort and strength to mind, body and soul.  

$137.50 au@ wholesale  click link below to shop


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